For a long time, pictorial art was marked by renowned painters such as Monet, Van Gogh, Picasso, Matisse, Velasquez... Artistic currents such as Impressionism, Fauvism, Realism, Cubism emerged over time and made painting a domain reserved for scholars. Thanks to superheroes as artistic themes, painting is accessible to a wide public and seduces more people.

Sacha Goldberger is following suit

With superheroes with impressive and explosive powers, the comic book publisher makes successive generations dream. Children, as well as men and women alike, are seduced by superheroes with extraordinary powers such as the Hulk, Superman, Wonder Woman, etc. This passion for superheroes goes far beyond the world of Comics and includes other nice heroes such as Miraculous, Pyjamasques... The choice of superheroes as painting themes was largely initiated by a French photographer named Sacha Goldberger. As part of his art project called 'Super Flemish', he skilfully integrated superhero characters into Flemish Renaissance paintings. Each superhero painting thus worked by this talented photographer is simply original and impressive.

Superheroes and budding painters

Creativity and inspiration are the qualities of a talented painter. Indeed, it takes a genius to create works such as Botticelli's "Birth of Venus" or Goya's representation of "Saturn devouring one of his sons". With superhero painting, budding painters are never short of inspiration and escape the blank page syndrome. They can then paint Wonder Woman snapping her whip, Hulk with all the intensity of her rage, Flash moving at the speed of light... Everyone is free to paint the superhero of their choice. The originality of the pictorial work lies in the uniqueness of the setting and the representation of the character put forward.

Superheroes and pop art

Superhero painting is in the spotlight in pop art. This artistic and cultural movement aims to bring out the spirit of an era and to make art accessible to a broad public. Talented young people began to paint superheroes with unusual materials, including spray paint cans. Painting on canvas is also highlighted in this artistic movement. If most artists already have a rich and inspiring theme, namely superheroes, each one is careful not to create works that are purely commercial and to bring out the originality and uniqueness of each work created.