Pop Art is an artistic movement that originated in the UK in the early 1950s. However, it developed in the United States in the 1960s. Although many famous Pop Art artists and painters have left their mark, Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, and Richard Hamilton are among the most iconic figures.

Andy Warhol

If there is one character whose name should not be ignored in the history of the American Pop Art movement, it is unquestionably Andy Warhol. His real name is Andrew Warhola and he is a painter, film director, music producer, and author. With several hundred works such as the portrait of Marilyn Monroe, Marlon Brando, Elisabeth Taylor, or Lie Taylor, the famous painter Pop Art is truly the pioneer. Andy Warhol's legendary achievements extend to his appropriation of images from the mass media and American consumer society. These include the famous Campbell's Soup Can, the Green Car Crash, the Silver Car Crash, the Electric Chair, Triple Elvis, Eight Elvises, and others.

Roy Lichtenstein

Pop Art in the United States also owes its popularisation to the artist Roy Lichtenstein. Lichtenstein was one of the artists who were concerned about the mass consumption situation in their societies in the 1960s and appropriated the media of the time to speak about it. Thus, the famous painter Pop Art is strongly interested in popular advertising and comics and uses several techniques of the 9th art, such as shading and wide lines accompanied by bright and diversified colors, in his paintings. The American comic books, Warhol, Girl in Window, hard-edged are concrete examples of the works that marked Roy Lichtenstein's reputation.

Richard Hamilton

Considered one of the most active British artists of the 20th century, Richard Hamilton is another iconic image of the pop art movement. He has been able to develop his creations throughout his life, whether it be painting, collage, photography, or even television. Richard Hamilton is a member of the Independent Group, a group founded within the Institute of Contemporary Art in London in which he is participating in the exhibition "this is tomorrow". This exhibition constitutes the origin of British pop art. Some of his works, which made him one of the major representatives of the famous Pop Art painters, are known as one of the first works of this movement, including the collage entitled "Just what is it that makes today's homes so different, so appealing?