To know the value of a piece of art to resell it, insuring it or including it in a will, it is essential to carry out an appraisal. This process is generally carried out by an expert who verifies the authenticity and characteristics of the work to estimate its value. To avoid the fees of an art specialist, it is possible to carry out an online estimate. How to proceed?

The advantages of an online estimate

One of the greatest advantages of having an object of value appraised online is certainly the free service. Indeed, the expertise does not commit you to anything more, your anonymity is preserved which avoids prying eyes. Moreover, you will not have to move or transport the work since this first online appraisal can be done via photos.

The ideal would be to use independent networks, as they often include several specialists: auctioneers, tax lawyers, art experts, etc. Also, they collaborate with connoisseurs in different fields: jewelry, canvas, photography, sculpture, etc. Thus, you can be sure to benefit from expertise carried out in a precise and objective manner. Some of these online service providers, such as antique valuation website, can even offer you a buy-back or support for the sale. For a free appraisal, go to

How does the online expertise take place?

Whether it is on a dedicated website or a specialized platform, such as an antique valuation website, the online valuation of a valuable object is generally simple and fast. First of all, you will have to find a reliable valuation site based on the recommendations of your relatives or internet users. If the service is often without commitment, some platforms may however require a membership or registration. It is up to you to determine whether or not the conditions are suitable for you.

Once on the site, you will have to fill in the dedicated form. Remember to write a description of the work with as many details as possible. These will certainly improve the estimate. Also, you will need to scan photos of the object since they will also be necessary. The answer will then be sent by email in a rather short time; between 48 hours to a week depending on the platform.

Find an auctioneer for a thorough appraisal

If the online valuation on the antique valuation website has revealed a rather interesting price range, you can request an auctioneer. As the results of the study will be authentic, the intervention of the latter implies a cost of several hundred euros. If the object is too heavy or complicated to transport, the professional can come to your home for a few hundred euros more.

On the other hand, the service can be free of charge if you entrust the resale of the work to the house or the office of the expert engaged. In this case, he will take care of the auctions to sell the property. If you proceed with an estimate for a notarized inventory (in the context of succession for example), the rates are higher since you will have to provide for the notary’s fees.

The human being has distinguished himself from living beings since the day he learned to use the tools around him to make his life easier. He has then traveled thousands of years creating many objects that will be useful to him and that will also please him. Among these, he created objects that later became precious: the precious vases.

Chinese vases

When we talk about vases that have value, we often refer to the famous Chinese vases. These famous pots have indeed crossed several hundred years to arrive at our era intact. They are then coveted by art and history lovers. However, not all vases have value, and also, the real vases values are unfortunately not out of reach of counterfeiting. It is, therefore, necessary to know how to recognize them in order not to be fooled if one does not pay attention to buy them. There are a large number of criteria to consider in general. There is the age, the shape, the firing kiln, the artist, or the period. This is not enough, however, because one must also get used to the vases.

Getting used to vases

One of the things to do when you don’t want to get lost in this area is to try to handle as many precious vases as possible. Researching basic details such as reign marks and kiln sites is also necessary. It is then necessary to become familiar with the different glazes and pallets of a vase. You do not need to be a vase expert to do this. The most important thing is to determine the different colors present in the work: green, yellow, red, black, and blue. These glazes can vary depending on the period and the artist.

The vases and their kilns

Apart from this familiarization, it is also necessary to know how to distinguish between the different ovens that were used during the manufacturing process and, at the same time, to distinguish the glazes between the different oven sites. Knowing about the kilns can indeed help, as proven by this vase valuation expert for instance. During the making of these precious objects, the manufacturing process in Northern China was different from that in the South. The difference is most of the time noted on the glazes. For example, there are vases made during the Song Dynasty which are made by different kilns such as those of Yaozhou and Zhejiang.

A painting is a work of art that cannot be assimilated into an ordinary good. Its production requires time, inspiration, labor as well as raw materials. However, the fruit of the effort invested by the artist is not always compensated by the final value of the product or the art value. Moreover, the estimation of a painting remains a rather complex detail since it is necessary to take into consideration both the material and immaterial aspects of art.

Public satisfaction: a starting point for estimating the price of a painting

Being a set of expressions of a painter’s feelings, a painting reflects the perception of his living environment and his vision of things. The latter will try to convey a message to humanity through his work of art. The price will then be determined according to the emotion and satisfaction of the public. Some good questions are essential after having finalized a painting to better define its value. Does the product reflect social norms and culture? Is an original and modern product part of a recognized artistic movement? But for more professional expertise in painting, the best would be to obtain a fair valuation of your painting

Estimate the price of the notoriety of the painter

If you are in the buyer’s shoes, be aware that the price of a work of art is estimated according to several parameters. It starts with the popularity of the artist, the number of works written about him, and the quality of the paintings he has created, not to mention his frequency of public appearances. A painting valuation will depend as much on the celebrity of the salons and art galleries in which the painter has participated. And if some exhibitions are purely dedicated to him; the price of his works of art will surely be quite high.

Estimate the value of the product according to the cost price

It is equally important to consider the economic factor. The art value depends on the quality of the main materials used as well as the ancillary materials. The nature and size of the canvas are essential details to estimate its cost price. Nevertheless, there is no method to make a precise calculation of the value of a painting. The popularity of the painter and the anticipation of the rating that the painting will produce on the public will allow getting as close as possible to its fair value.

When appraising antiques or collectibles, there are many factors to consider. Sometimes it is simply a matter of knowing the value of an item before trying to sell it, or of knowing its value, as in the case of heirlooms. In other cases, you may need a more formal appraisal for insurance or other purposes. The “value my antique” strategy ranges from self-assessment to hiring a professional for a written appraisal. With a little thought, it’s easy to decide which path to take.

Online Assessment Service

If you need to determine the value of your antiques, many experts are already very good at identifying objects using detailed photos submitted via online appraisal services. Although these types of appraisals cannot be used for insurance purposes, they will provide you with a brief written report on the value of the goods and assets. Some online services offer free third-party appraisals. Antique art valuation platforms like also offer free appraisals of valuable objects, furniture, and collectibles.

How does it work?

As uncertain as to the online appraisal, experts will appraise based on comparable value. Usually, they look for several registered sales for the same piece to provide a fairly accurate estimate. They will eliminate the highest and lowest values and average them to determine the value of the item in question. Real-time auction results are also used for this purpose. Therefore, to submit a review, you must upload a photo containing all product information. Experts will appreciate your items and you will receive your comments in your inbox within 24 or 48 hours.

How to choose the right antique expert for your item?

First, make sure you find someone who specializes in the type of object you wish to appraise. The major auction houses are also good sources for finding reputable appraisers. Some even organize “appraisal days” and invite the public to come and examine their pieces and collectibles by professionals. Once you’ve selected a few appraisers, here’s some information you may want to know:

Professional art training is an opportunity that will make you an artist painter. This training includes many precise and detailed subjects. You can improve your natural skills and master certain techniques. These training courses can be addressed to the amateur painters, to all the painters who want to improve themselves, and to all the people who are fascinated by the fine arts.

The description of the painter’s profession

The profession of a painter is an activity that reveals the passion of an art of living. As a creator, he creates and realizes unique or serial works of art that come from his overflowing imagination and inspiration. From childhood, this profession is generally exploited with the help of his social and cultural background as well as his family. The painter exercises his activity in a workshop that is sometimes used by other creators. The studio of the painter is often well ventilated and represented in the light. Most painters focus on simple works such as street portraits or supports in some art institutions. For those who have the perseverance, they have the chance to exhibit their art in a gallery and have the opportunity to build a clientele, as they will be more and more recognized.

Training to become a painter

The advantage of a painter is that he can do this job even without having a diploma in this field. It is nevertheless advisable to follow the training as a painter in art schools such as Fine Arts, Academy of Arts, Schools of Art Auralithe, Gobelins, or in public art schools to obtain an attestation concerning your innate abilities for art. You can deepen your artistic practices on painting, sculpture, and even drawing during the artist-painter training courses. You will also have the opportunity to discover the history of art and artistic businesses. Thanks to this training, you will be able to obtain a diploma in art trades and become a true painter.

The outlets for the profession of painter

The fact of having followed training as a painter represents an asset to help young talent to find outlets for his profession. Thanks to his diploma, he can thus transmit his talent to students in art courses. The painter will also have the opportunity to work as a freelancer or to create his agency. He can also be a freelance designer, interior designer, illustrator, graphic designer, and even art director. His remuneration can also be renewed according to his sales and productivity as well as his reputation.

If you have precious jewelry in your home, you can have it appraised to sell it or simply to know the value of your goods on the market. Also, if you want to insure or share your jewelry, you must first have it appraised by a professional in the field. You must go to a jewelry specialist such as a free jewelry appraisal for example to have your jewelry appraised.

Why appraise the value of a jewel?

To know exactly the value of your precious jewelry is to have it appraised by experts in the field. A jewelry specialist or a jeweler will carry out the valuation of your goods. Concerning old jewels, you can also call upon auctioneers.

Characteristics such as the size, the nature of the metals used, the weight and the quality of the jewel will be taken into account during the analysis of the latter. For online expertise, you will need to attach a photo of the object, and you will also need to mention its characteristics.

Having a jewel appraised is necessary when you want to sell it, bequeath it or have it insured. You will thus be able to obtain the real value of the jewel. To have your favorite piece of jewel appraised according to the rules, we recommend you visit Mr-Expert which is a platform that offers free jewelry appraisal online.

Where to have your precious jewelry appraised?

To know the value of your precious jewels, you have several possibilities. Among them, there is the online appraisal. This solution offers you many advantages, starting with the fact that you avoid traveling. On the other hand, you can also go to an auction house to have your valuable jewelry appraised. The appraisal will be in the hands of a professional in the field who has the necessary knowledge and sharp eyes to figure out the value of the jewelry. You also have the possibility of going to the municipal credit or public auction to estimate and sell your jewelry quickly.

How much is the rate of evaluation of jewels?

About the rate, professionals in the field of jewelry are obliged to post their rate for the evaluation of jewelry. You can then freely choose the professional to opt for by comparing the different prices proposed. Choose one that has certain notoriety in the field of art and jewelry appraisal. It should also be noted that, depending on the applicable law, when you sell a jewel whose value is below a certain price, you do not pay any tax.

As a major art, painting is a skill that requires patience and determination. On the other hand, this third art requires basic equipment to complete its apprenticeship. To begin painting, it is essential to know the type of painting you wish to do. It is a question of choice and can determine the material needed in painting. The fact that you have previously attended an art class in primary school already gives you some knowledge in this field. But to help you choose the right material to start painting, here are a few ideas that may help you in your choice.

With which material should I paint?

To start painting, there is no need to buy expensive equipment. An HB pencil and a blood oil pencil are already instruments that can be used to create art. It is just as important to have an eraser to ensure a perfect drawing. Concerning the support, it depends on the kind of painting you want to make. To apply the colors, the brush proves to be a flagship accessory in painting. The yogurt pots and the apron become the necessary material to start the work.

Use acrylic paint for optimal results.

Acrylic paint is also a material to start painting. All you need to do is acquire the basic colors to immerse yourself in the world of painting. These colors are none other than white, black, navy blue, and a few others. Acrylic paint is made of a plastic material called resin. This material dries quickly, making it easy to use. Moreover, it can be applied to all supports (wood, metal, cardboard, plastic…). All tools can be used for acrylic paint. Indeed, brush, roller and knife can all be used to paint. Being less expensive, this paint is material accessible to all and less toxic than oil paints. Water-based, it is easy to clean.

Define your objectives before buying the essential tools

When we commit to painting, we must define what type of support and what kind of painting our inclination is focused on. The style you wish to adopt determines the material to start painting. Portrait, landscape, still life, live model, all require a specific material. Moreover, the brush is the essential material in painting, so it is essential to select the one that allows you to make a good drawing. Flat, round, natural, or synthetic hairbrush, it all depends on your choice!

For the creation of a comic book, it is obvious that you will have to draw. Nowadays, thanks to tools, the fact that you are not good at drawing is no longer a hindrance to your creative project. If you have precise ideas, you can get started. In this dossier, we’re going to give you a few tips to make your project a reality.

Using Daz Studio

It is free software that you can download from the DAZ Production website. If you are not fluent in English, it will take some time to familiarise yourself with this program, as it is only available in English. This image editing software manages layers. With Daz Studio, you won’t be able to stitch all the images together. Here, you will only work on the scenes and it is with the “cartoon” rendering option that you will have illustrations like those found in comic books. You will then have to switch to another tool to assemble the thumbnails and put the bubbles for the texts.

Go to sites that help you create comic strips.

If the tools offered by DAZ Studio seem too basic or do not offer the rendering you are looking for, you can switch to sites that allow you to create a comic strip. The Caricatool platform, for example, can help you create beautiful cartoons in just a few clicks. If your work is more aimed at a children’s audience, you can go on Radio-Canada. On this platform, the text bubbles are already in place, which will make the creation process easier. If you want the characters in your comic book to be more alive and distinctive, Gnomz can meet your requirements. On this site, every detail has been thought out: eyes, nose, mouth, body, clothes…

Succeeding with your comic book

Even if you have a clear idea of the story you are going to tell, you will need to refocus a little so you don’t get lost in the heat of the moment. Before you get down to designing the illustrations, clearly define the characters and give each one a personality. It’s also important to be precise in the tone you’re going to use in the comic book. You should not go from a formal to a humorous tone. Your reader may leave the reading before the end of the story. As this is your first comic book, you should not start a big project. Limit yourself to a comic-strip of just a few boxes.

The art of painting is an excellent choice for you to express your feelings about the world. However, creating a work of art while learning a painting course can help you gain important skills that you can apply to all aspects of everyday life.

What’s a good painting teacher

An excellent painting teacher must first and foremost have a good knowledge of painting: the basics, drawing techniques, practical and theoretical knowledge of this kind of art. Apart from his or her competence in the subject matter, he or she must also have good teaching experience, so that he or she can keep up with your learning pace because not every student who is in a course of advanced or beginner training can acquire knowledge all of a sudden.

Criteria for knowing the ability of a painting teacher

You should define certain criteria that can help you find a painting teacher, such as his or her level in the subject, as well as his or her degree, by asking him or her about these validated experiences and by calling on one of his or her students who are already successful in this field. You should also know the level of private tuition they offer if it is at your level or not.

Find out what kind of painting course he specializes in before you hire him (watercolor, acrylic, à la carte, landscape painting, etc.), and whether the course is online or face-to-face, at your home individually or in a group to better correct you, as well as, the fees that suit you. You should also take into account the area in which it is located, in the provinces or in the capital, in other words, whether it is near or far from the place where you wish to learn the art of painting.

Favorable method for finding a good painting teacher

To find a good private painting teacher, you can go to classifieds sites, social networks, and let them know that you are looking for a painting teacher. There are also specialized platforms that allow you to hire a teacher according to various criteria. If you have specific requirements, please place an ad and make personal approaches in public places or on the internet.

It was during the ancient period that the first theoretical concepts on the study and systematization of the arts emerged. Ancient art refers to those developed by ancient civilizations. A civilization that was born with the invention of writing until the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 AD. Complete and well-diversified, it shows several ideological foundations. Following a chronological line, it is composed of the richness of Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Paleochristian, and Byzantine arts.

Egyptian Art

Egyptian art is the reference for discovering the world of ancient art. It is marked by advanced writing and religion. It was used to determine the way of life, social relations, and hierarchies of these people. It is the fundamental principle that guided all forms of this artistic representation.

Egyptian Architecture has the following characteristics: resistance and durability; a sense of eternity; a mysterious and impenetrable aspect. The art of painting in this period was standardized, as it followed religious criteria. As a result, creativity or imagination could not be expressed. The paintings must be anonymous, not inscribing the style of the artist, but that of the pharaoh.

Greek Art

The ancient Greeks distinguished themselves greatly in the world of art, for the beauty and perfection of their work. Through art, they sought to create scenes of Greek daily life, historical events, and, above all, religious and mythological themes. Greek architecture is divided into three styles. Corinth, which is characterized by excessive detail. The Doric, a style with few details, but which conveys a feeling of firmness.

Roman Art

Ancient Roman art followed the models, artistic and cultural elements of ancient Greece. The artists wanted to represent emperors, gods, and mythological figures of the Roman people.

Most Roman architectural representations were built in honor of the emperors. In architecture, the construction of portals, aqueducts, buildings, monuments, and temples is what sets them apart.

In Roman painting, their frescoes use the three-dimensional effect, with themes from everyday scenes, mythological and religious characters, and military conquests. But the most common artistic genres in the Roman painting were: landscapes, portraits, architecture, popular paintings, and triumphal paintings.

Early Christian and Byzantine Art

Christians also began to create simple and symbolic works that are primitive or early Christian art. Byzantine art is based on the reproduction of the Greco-Roman and Eastern cultures. The high point of Byzantine architecture was the construction of churches, spacious and monumental churches.

In terms of painting and sculpture, Byzantine painting did not develop much due to the iconoclastic movement. There are three distinct elements: icons, paintings on portable panels, of the Virgin Mary, Christ or saints, and miniatures which are paintings used in book illustrations.